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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

10 Tips For Sharing With Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

Regardless of whether you know your roommates or not, when you put a group of people under the same roof you’re undoubtedly going to find...

Caring for Someone Sick at Home Advice for Roommates, Flatmates and Sharemates

Yes they must just be a flatmate or Roommate but sometimes it very smart to help care for the health of your roommates and flatmates if not...

Conflict Solutions when Dealing with Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

Even if it’s just a small squabble, roommate conflicts can be trying time for anyone and even worse, if it’s not handled quickly...

Some Budget Ideas For Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Moving in with someone (or some people) for the first time can be exciting. After all, you probably chose to live together because you’re...

5 Ways To Encourage A Better Environment And Healthier Planet With Your Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

Sharing accommodation is rarely simple, especially when trying to live more eco-consciously and do your best to save the planet for yourself...

Tips For Healthy Cooking With Your Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates

When you're in college or working hard in a job sometimes your health is often the last thing on your mind, especially when it comes to...

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